Welcome to Lighthouse Bible Church!

Worship Services Sundays at 9:00 AM at Badger High School in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.

Who We Are

A family of believers who love our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and seek to honor Him in all we say and do.

We are a “Bible” church. The Word of God is our reason for being. We will preach and teach the Bible as the very core of our ministry. We are convinced that God accomplishes everything that He intends to accomplish when His Word is boldly proclaimed to His people and to the world. (Isaiah 55:11)

Jesus said that He would build His church. Our task is not to “help” Jesus build His church. Our tasks are to obey Him, to faithfully and humbly preach and teach His Word, and then to leave the results up to Him. (2 Timothy: 4:2)

What to Expect

A traditional church in a nontraditional setting.

We have rented the orchestra hall at Badger High School in Lake Geneva, WI for 20 years. It’s a comfortable setting, usually set up with tables. You can expect a warm and friendly welcome. Dress comfortably and join us in a traditional worship service, which focuses on the teaching and preaching of God’s Word, and worship in music, prayer, and fellowship.

Badger High School exterior

Recent Sermons

October 6, 2024
Pastor Gary Page
September 17, 2023
Pastor Gary Page
September 10, 2023
Pastor Gary Page